Wednesday 30 April 2014

Prince Harry and Cressida's Break-Up

Prince Harry and his girlfriend Cressida Bonas have broken up, a US magazine has claimed

Prince Harry has split up with his girlfriend Cressida Bonas only a month after she attended an official engagement with him for the first time. The couple embraced in front of cameras, prompting speculation they might be about to get engaged.
But their relationship is said to have become strained in recent weeks, with a report in US magazine 'People' suggesting Miss Bonas had become too ‘needy’ for the royal. That was strongly denied by sources close to the couple who confirmed their separation to the DailyMail last night.
A friend insisted that the split was ‘very much an amicable one’ and that they had parted as friends.
Unfortunately it is true, they have split up. But this suggestion that the prince supposedly “dumped” Cressida because she was “too needy” is so wide of the mark. It is a very amicable split and they are still very much the best of friends. They have just decided to go their separate ways.’

The source said that Cressida, 25, was keen to ‘focus on her career’ - she recently graduated from the Laban school of dance and is currently working for a marketing company in Soho while deciding what to do next.
‘Cressida has decided she wants to focus on her career and Harry is really keen that she is allowed to get on with her life. He is furious at this suggestion that the split was in any way because she was relying too much on him. Cressida is one of the most independent people he knows.’ 

Cressie is 25. Prince Harry will be 30 this year.

There have also been reports that Cressida - known as Cressie to friends - was not ready to be a royal bride

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