Saturday 8 February 2014

Annonciata Kampororo, Woman Hacks Husband To Death After He 'Inherited' His Brother’s HIV Positive Wife!

Annonciata Kampororo, a middle aged Rwandan woman, hacked her husband to death with a machete for fear that he would infect her with HIV after he inherited his brother’s HIV-positive wife.

According to reports, it was believed that Annonciata's brother in law died of AIDS but because of their tradition for a man to ‘inherit’ the widow of a family member in order to provide for them, her husband Mr Majyambere took in his brother's wife.

Annonciata, a local liquor seller, feared that the widow would also be infected and refused to sleep with her
husband, Mr Majyambere until he took an HIV test.
When he refused to do so, she withheld his conjugal rights and instead, began planning his murder.
She hatched a plot with her son and sister to kill her husband Anaclet Majyambere, 48, and on that fateful night, Annonciata, her son and her sister attacked Mr Majyambere with machetes and pestles and successfully killed him.

The Rwandan government has pledged to investigate the case.

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