Saturday 9 August 2014

Please Help: I Can't Marry Her Because She Is Too Submissive - Male Reader

As blogs now offer some of us the opportunity to open up and share our pains, I thought it would be a great idea to share a pain that is making me go bananas at the moment.
My parents practically forced my girlfriend on me about four years ago because they saw and still see her as a girl that is well-brought up. No doubt she is every inch a wife material, but not the one for me though. My take on it is that she is too submissive and hardly ever argues with me since we have been dating. She concurs with everything I do, and the more reason I sometimes worry about both of us having a future together.

I have tried all I could to make my parents see reasons why I can’t marry her; but my dad keeps insisting that it is too late for all that. Actually, I played along all these years just to make my parents happy, but I am at my wit’s end at the moment.
Now the worse has happened as a girl I started dating about a year ago is pregnant for me. The pregnancy was actually a part of my plan to get them off my back, but it has ushered in big problem with my dad as he has forbidden me from bringing her to the house.

I want serious advice as my dad is not the type you can stand up to. I am in a big mess now because the only thing I feel for Biola is pity, and I don’t want to marry her for that reason.

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